سفارش تبلیغ
صبا ویژن

یادی از مکتب برتر my scholastic

JAFAR IBN MUHAMMAD SADIQ - peace be on him

Name: Jafar

Title: as Sadiq

Agnomen: Abu Abdillah

Father s nam: Muhammad al-Baqir

Mother s name: Umm farwah

Birth: In Medina on Monday 17th Rabi ul awwal 83 AH

Death: died at the age of 65 in Medina on Monday 25 th Shawwal 148 AH: poisoned by al- Mansur ad Dawa niqi the Abbasid caliph

قال الإمام الصّادق علیه السلام:

إنَّ خیر العباد من تجتمع فیه خمس خصال: اذا احسن استبشر و اذا اساء استغفر و اذا اعطی ( من الله شیئا) شکر و اذا ابتلی ( من الله ) صبر و اذا ظلم غفر.

One who has these five characteristics is the choicest of men: one who feels joyous when he does something bad: one who is grateful when he receives something from Allah one who forgives when he is done some injustice or wrong.